Thursday, July 9, 2020

The understated flamboyance of gray-scale in interiors!

Compiled by Team IAnD
Photography: Alex Lesage, Threefold; courtesy v2com
Read Time: 2 mins
"Portland residence atelier barda indiaartndesign"

Atelier Barda architecture uses an understated gray-scale gradient to craft out serene and uber chic interiors for a historic residence in Montreal…

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A heterogeneous typology for an unconventional environment

By Ar. Vinita Wagh
Drawings & Visualisations: courtesy V2com
Read Time: 3 mins
"irrigation plant and fog-harnessing spa Ilam Nepal MargotKrasojevicArchitects indiaartndesign"
fog water spa and climate-smart irrigation plant (inset) Ar. Margot Krasojevic

In Eastern Nepal’s Ilam District, Margot Krasojević Architects designs a climate-smart water irrigation plant that harnesses the fog in a bid to conserve the natural environment, a system modelled on ancient traditions…

Friday, July 3, 2020

concrete doubles space and function in cafe design for Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

Compiled by Team IAnD
Text & Visualisations: Courtesy concrete
Read Time: 2 mins 30 secs
"cafe concept depot rotterdam concrete indiaartndesign"

Concrete gives a peek into its design for the café and event space at Depot – Rotterdam’s new building that will house Museum Boijmans van Beuningen…

Monday, June 29, 2020

An exercise in the evolution of form is My go-to Therapist, says Ar. Zulueta

IAnD Exclusive

Text & Photography: Alejandro de la Vega Zulueta
Courtesy: v2com
Read Time: 2 mins
Furula, stone sculpture formed by furulae that are woven together generating a lattice with transparency and shadows.(inset) Alejandro de la Vega Zulueta

Alejandro de la Vega Zulueta’s work as both an artist and architect transpire in parallel. When stuck on an architectural project, he often turns to his drawings and the manipulation of forms as a path to liberate his mind to overcome the architectural equivalent of writer’s block…

Friday, June 26, 2020

Future-proof campus – a new multifunctional and flexible education building for Delft University.

Compiled by team IAnD
Visualisations: Plompmozes
Drawings: UNStudio
Read Time: 3 mins
"Echo DU UNStudio indiaartndesign"

UNStudio in collaboration with Arup and BBN creates a futuristic collaborative design that takes education beyond conventional classroom typology…

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Authenticating gourmet cuisine from Pan-Asia to Russia

By Ar. Vinita Wagh
Photography: Saranin Artemy
Read Time: 2 mins
"LaoBao ALLARTSDESIGN indiaartndesign"

Conceived as a puzzle, the interiors of the Lao Bao Café in Russia, designed by ALLARTSDESIGN, camouflage abstract, traditional elements of Asian culture in plain sight.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Striking the perfect balance between old fashioned and warmly familiar!

Compiled by team IAnD
Photography: Maarten Willemstein; courtesy the designer
Read Time: 2 mins
"Bonnie Amsterdam StudioModijefsky indiaartndesign"

Studio Modijefsky renovates the erstwhile Café Bos into a traditional bistro bar Bonnie defining it with a quintessential signature style…
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